Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children – 2nd Edition

(5 customer reviews)


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A trusted, comprehensive resource, this volume demonstrates a range of creative approaches for facilitating children’s emotional reparation and recovery from trauma. Experts in play, art, music, movement, and drama therapy, as well as bibliotherapy, describe step-by-step strategies for working with children, families, and groups. Rich with case material and artwork, the book is practical and user-friendly. Specific types of stressful experiences discussed include parental loss, child abuse, family violence, bullying, and mass trauma.

New to This Edition:

*Updated and expanded discussions of trauma and of the neurobiological basis for creative interventions.
*Chapters on art therapy and EMDR, body maps and dissociation, sand tray play, resiliency-based movement therapy, work with clay, mindfulness, and stress reduction with music therapy.
*Highlights important developments in knowledge about self-regulation, resilience, and posttraumatic growth.

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